Certain Foods Tied to Increased Depression Risk This article came as no surprise to me! The new and exciting field of nutritional psychiatry is so key to cognitive and mental health. Of course what we eat matters to our brain! And how we feel emotionally is clearly linked to our physical state. Our brains need…
Grey Hair Linked with Increased Heart Disease Risk in Men You thought of your grey hair as a cosmetic burden to deal with, along with being an outright nuisance … and considered that to be plenty to contend with. Now it turns out that the grey is so more than “hair strand deep!” It’s now…
Does Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy Cause Autism? The data on the effects of taking antidepressants during a pregnancy on the developing brains of babies is not definitively known, as no one can do a controlled trial with such drugs. All data is based upon women’s memories and data obtained from medical records – all well…
PCOS and Fatty Liver: The Link Between Grows Stronger! The incredible link of the gut microbiome and overall gut health with the metabolic manifestations of PCOS just keeps growing more clear! A new study was just recently published, the key points shown in the attached below piece, indicating that women with PCOS do indeed carry…
7 Different Ways to Look Absolutely Fabulous As an integrative medical practice, we take a broad view of beauty. Though seen on the outside, beauty is truly a reflection of the physiological processes taking place throughout the body, on both the outside and from deep within our bodies. Skin problems result from hormonal imbalances, deep-seated…