Integrative Medical Group of Irvine
What are your office hours?
We are open Monday – Friday, from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, and on some Saturdays, from 8:00AM to noon.
Does Dr. Gersh practice telemedicine?
Dr. Gersh is available for telemedicine appointments.
If you live in California or if you live outside of the United States, we prefer that your first appointment is in person if possible, but it isn’t required. Dr. Gersh is able to treat California residents and international patients entirely remotely.
For patients living in the United States but outside of California, your first visit with Dr. Gersh must be in-person. This is to comply with all state medical practice laws. Additionally, at least one face-to-face appointment greatly increases the quality of care that Dr. Gersh is able to provide.
For patients who will be traveling, IMGI is conveniently located about 15 minutes from John Wayne Airport and there are several wonderful hotels in the area. We are happy to help with your travel arrangements.
Please call the office at +1 (949) 753-7475 for more information.
What hospitals does Dr. Gersh work at?
Dr. Gersh has privileges at several hospitals and she can advise on medical care for patients in other hospitals once forms have been signed that give her access to patient records. She has privileges at:
Hoag Hospital Irvine
16200 Sand Canyon Ave.
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 764-4624
**Includes a gorgeous, brand new emergency room, if you ever need it!
Hoag Hospital Newport Beach
1 Hoag Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Hoag also has 9 conveniently located urgent care facilities in Orange County.
Saddleback Medical Center
24451 Health Center Drive
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 837-4500
**Includes a state-of-the-art emergency room, if you ever need it!
Is Dr. Gersh a naturopathic doctor?
No, Dr. Gersh is a medical doctor (an M.D.), certified in both OB/GYN and Integrative Medicine. She prescribes a combination of both holistic and conventional medical treatments individually tailored to each unique patient’s needs. She pulls heavily from the naturopath toolbox and often works in conjunction with highly skilled naturopaths.
Does Dr. Gersh treat both men and women?
Dr. Gersh was originally trained as a specialist in women’s health and that is still her primary focus. However, Dr. Gersh has completed a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine and has a second board certification in Integrative Medicine. Consequently, she is fully trained to provide holistic healthcare to men as well as women and welcomes all patients, regardless of gender or gender identity.
Do you have a membership plan?
At this time, we offer pay-as-you-go billing. We hope to launch a membership plan in the next few months that will provide patients with more benefits and complementary services.
What about my insurance?
As an “out of network” practice, we care for and treat you based on your needs, not on the needs of an insurance company. We offer you comprehensive care, often consisting of lifestyle, holistic, and complementary treatments, along with advanced laboratory tests, all of which are frequently deemed “experimental” to exclude them from insurance companies’ covered benefits. Because of this limited ability to work with most insurance carriers, our financial arrangement is with you. It is expected that you will pay for the care you receive at the time of service, or, if you are enrolled in a membership plan, most of your costs will have been prepaid by you.
- After payment is made to our office, the bills can be submitted to PPO insurance plans as “out of network” and will be reimbursed directly to you according to each individual insurance plan. We encourage you to contact your insurance company for information on your coverage.
- We are not providers for any HMO insurance, nor are we Medicare providers.
- Medicare patients are also required to pay at time of service and will NOT be eligible for Medicare reimbursements.
Does my insurance cover the cost of my lab tests?
The costs for laboratory testing are set by the labs themselves. We have made every effort to secure the best rates at the most advanced laboratories.
Most laboratories will bill your insurance directly and they often have very reasonable co-pays. Although we will do our best to explain the charges for any lab tests that have been ordered, we are not able to guarantee the exact amount for which you will be ultimately responsible.
We are happy to provide laboratory contact information prior to any tests.
If you don't take insurance, why should I provide a copy of my insurance card?
Insurance information is used solely for the purpose of billing related to lab work.
Your insurance company will reimburse your lab tests at the same rate as they would if you went to an in-network practice. This is true for most insurance, including Medicare.
Because insurance plans can change annually, patients are advised to present a current insurance card at each visit to ensure that tests are billed correctly. It is the patient’s responsibility to update IMGI with current insurance information.
What payment forms do you take?
We require payment on the day of service. We accept Cash, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, and personal checks. We also accept Health Savings Account cards. A fee of $75 will be issued in the event of insufficient funds.
Why do you require my credit card number on file?
We only charge your credit card in the event you don’t provide us adequate notice of an appointment cancellation or you provide us a check with insufficient funds. We will notify you of charges prior to running your card.
Why do you charge an Appointment Cancellation Fee?
Most patient appointments are scheduled weeks in advance, and we usually cannot fill appointments that are cancelled at the last minute. Patients must cancel at least 2 full business days ahead of an appointment or they will be charged the full amount for the appointment. This cancellation fee becomes a credit on your account that you may apply to a replacement appointment that is scheduled and kept within 30 days of the missed appointment. All cancellations must be made through the patient portal or by calling the office at (949) 753-7475. Please do not attempt to cancel an appointment by sending an email or by messaging us through the contact form on this webpage.