It has often been said that everyone wants to live longer, but no one wants to get older. In other words, we would all like to live many, many years at peak health and vitality. Our job is to help you do just that!
Of course, if we’re going to slow the hands of time, we need to know what causes it to tick so quickly in the first place.
This is where it gets complicated, since there are a number of different theories that attempt to explain why the cells in our bodies age.
Do the mitochondria lose their ability to generate sufficient energy, does our DNA become corrupt and unresponsive after too many cell divisions, do our telomeres shrink too small, does systemic inflammation take an irreversible toll, or does too much waste accumulate in the cells and prevent them from working properly?
Since this debate is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon, we take a slightly different approach. Rather than committing to a single explanation and seeking one “best guess” solution, we look at all plausible explanations and address those that can be reasonably modified.
By being selectively comprehensive in this way, we believe the likelihood of slowing the hands of your aging clock can be significantly improved.