When I was seeing large numbers of pregnant women, I was told to do many things, because they were safe and beneficial. Reality check – they were not!! For example, I was told I could give Acetaminophen and now we know it can cause deformities of male genitalia. Years ago it was encouraged to give…
Heart Health and Pregnancy Women who have the fewest number of reproductive years during their lives have a higher than normal risk of heart failure, according to a new research article published by the American College of Cardiology. As well, women who never gave birth are also at an increased risk for heart failure. It…
Does Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy Cause Autism? The data on the effects of taking antidepressants during a pregnancy on the developing brains of babies is not definitively known, as no one can do a controlled trial with such drugs. All data is based upon women’s memories and data obtained from medical records – all well…
Why Breastfeeding is Good for You and Your Baby A wonderful article was published last week in the Journal of Women’s Health, relating the most obvious, yet not recognized fact – breastfeeding is really good for the woman doing the nursing. This particular article states that women who breastfeed for at least a year, significantly…