You thought of your grey hair as a cosmetic burden to deal with, along with being an outright nuisance … and considered that to be plenty to contend with. Now it turns out that the grey is so more than “hair strand deep!” It’s now been shown, confirming what many thought already, myself included, that grey hair also meant that your insides were, at least theoretically, greying as well!
Yes – we now must add a dangerous veneer to the pain of greying hair, as it has been shown in men (ladies this most definitely should apply to you too, though your gender has yet to be studied) that it indicates a very real increased risk of cardiovascular events.
But why would this be? Why should grey strands on your noggin foretell of a disastrous heart attack or stroke? The reason for this correlation is so simple to grasp. Grey hair is a sign of oxidative stress, of an imbalance favoring free radicals! Free radicals are molecules carrying an unmatched electron,
making it exist in a state of oxidative stress – it needs an electron to balance its charge and neutralize it! It’s now an oxidant in search of an antioxidant!
In women in menopause in particular, lack of estrogen predisposes to oxidative stress and lots of free radicals. Another way to think of this is that grey hair is a sign of inflammation!! And inflammation breeds disease! If oxidative stress and free radicals exist in one place in the body, you can be safe extrapolate that they exist everywhere! And free radicals at the level of the scalp leads to a state of inflammation and oxidative stress at the hair follicle – and hence the greying of hair!
Rather than freaking out about this, better to just swallow and take the steps needed to reduce your level of inflammation and be grateful you know the score prior to a bad event! Together we can lower your state of inflammation and lower your risk of a cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke, or heart or kidney failure … down the line!)
With a whole foods, organic diet, filled with fiber and an array of vegetables and fruits, along with exercise, proper sleep, stress control, and detoxification – your body can be restored to a much healthier state.
And will the grey hair disappear? This has yet to be tested … so let’s see how your hair reacts!! No promises for the hair, but for sure your arteries will smile!!!