Grey Hair Linked with Increased Heart Disease Risk in Men

Health & Nutrition TipsFeaturedHealthy Aging Grey Hair Linked with Increased Heart Disease Risk in Men

Grey Hair Linked with Increased Heart Disease Risk in Men You thought of your grey hair as a cosmetic burden to deal with, along with being an outright nuisance … and considered that to be plenty to contend with. Now it turns out that the grey is so more than “hair strand deep!” It’s now…

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Hormonal Contraceptives and Hair Dyes Increase Breast Cancer Risk | University of Helsinki

Health & Nutrition Tips Hormonal Contraceptives and Hair Dyes Increase Breast Cancer Risk | University of Helsinki

Hormonal Contraceptives and Hair Dyes Increase Breast Cancer Risk | University of Helsinki I’m anti the use of Progestin embedded IUDs (intrauterine devices), and have been for a long time. Here is now another reason, based on a just published study from Finland. There are several such IUDs, which are different from the copper containing…

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