Here’s Dr. Gersh of the Integrated Medical Group of Irvine explaining PCOS, and what can be done to treat it.
DRY JANUARY, a tradition invented by the Brits that’s now rapidly gaining popularity with their equally boozy cousins across the pond! Every year, hundreds of thousands of people commit to quitting alcohol for January. It’s easy to see why such a tradition has taken hold – the Christmas period is associated with overindulgence and frivolity,…
The film interviews 54 people including the world’s leading scientists and medical professionals on fasting, as well as individuals who used fasting to treat obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular problems, skin problems, high blood pressure, chronic headaches, joint pain, and many others. This one hour, forty minute feature motion picture is the most comprehensive and objective…
IT’S ALWAYS NICE to go into the New Year with some good news. Just before Christmas, the Senate passed by unanimous consent a resolution recognising the seriousness of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and supporting the designation of September 2018 as ‘Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month’. PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder to affect women. It…
About 15 years ago, I timidly approached the director of the maternal-feral medicine department at my hospital. I wanted to discuss a revolutionary concept: Transferring maternal vaginal smears onto the bodies of newborn babies delivered by Caesarean section. His response? I was completely shot down. He thought I was insane!