Dr. Gersh is the medical director of IMGI and is board-certified in Integrative Medicine and OB-GYN. She is a globally-renowned expert in women’s health and complex disease management.

The HVMN Podcast with Geoffrey Woo: Evidence-Based Holistic Medicine

FG Media

I joined bio-hacking expert Geoffrey Woo on The HVMN Podcast to discuss how integrative medicine incorporates cutting-edge diagnostic technology with evidence-based herbal and plant remedies. Dr. Felice Gersh is an established doctor that integrates both traditional and alternative medicine to assist and heal her patients holistically. We discuss the importance of human rhythm (circadian, hormonal,…

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This Integrative Gynecologist Wants Us Asking Questions About The IUD

FG Media

There are many medications— oral contraceptives, antacid medications, and cholesterol-lowering drugs— that have become so trusted and commonplace in the modern American life that we rarely stop to consider their side effects. When it comes to birth control, few methods are as lauded as intrauterine devises. With their 99 percent effectiveness and low rate of…

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