Dr. Gersh is the medical director of IMGI and is board-certified in Integrative Medicine and OB-GYN. She is a globally-renowned expert in women’s health and complex disease management.

PCOS: Resetting Your Circadian Rhythms

PCOSPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS: Resetting Your Circadian Rhythms

PCOS: Resetting Your Circadian Rhythms All living creatures throughout evolution have developed biological clocks to better adapt to the 24 hour day called the Circadian Rhythm. These are called Circadian Clocks and they regulate physiology, metabolism, and behavior. In humans, many aspects of physiology are subject to circadian regulation. These include sleep-wake cycles, cognitive performance,…

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How Much Calcium is Necessary for Your Health?

Health & Nutrition TipsPCOS DietPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome How Much Calcium is Necessary for Your Health?

How Much Calcium is Necessary for Your Health? Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is a crucial factor in numerous body functions and structures. But what should a woman do to ensure she is consuming the correct amount of calcium to maintain a healthy body? Does a woman with PCOS…

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3 Simple Tips for a Healthier Gallbladder

Health & Nutrition TipsPCOS DietPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome 3 Simple Tips for a Healthier Gallbladder

3 Simple Tips for a Healthier Gallbladder As if women with PCOS don’t have enough on their plates to deal with already, add another to the list- gallbladder dysfunction and gallstones! Yes,  it’s true… many women with PCOS also have problems with the workings of their gallbladders. But please, don’t despair. There are many options…

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Interview: What is the Most Critical Factor of PCOS

PCOSPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome Interview: What is the Most Critical Factor of PCOS

Interview: What is the Most Critical Factor of PCOS “The most critical factor in all of the issues facing women with PCOS is systematic inflammation and its origin which is probably in the gut,” explains Dr. Felice Gersh in our most recent interview.  Dr. Gersh is a doctor of integrated medicine and a renowned expert…

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