Gretchen, a 30-year-old from Santa Monica, had suffered from excruciating cramps and pelvic pain for years. Then, about five years ago, she was diagnosed with endometriosis — a painful condition where tissue that makes up the uterine lining grows outside the uterus.
She tried everything to soothe the pain ― ibuprofen, topical CBD oils, even smoking weed — but nothing could take her pain from an eight to a three, she said. Then she came across a company that sold menstrual CBD suppositories, or CBD “tampons,” as they’re often nicknamed. She bought a pack and gave them a whirl, and to her surprise her pelvic pain miraculously disappeared — at least for a couple of hours.
“CBD suppositories have definitely taken the place of pain pills for me, which I didn’t think was possible,” Gretchen, who wished to remain anonymous while talking about marijuana and CBD so it wouldn’t impact her career, told HuffPost. “Once I was aware of my pain scale and kind of the before and after effects, I was like, ‘Whoa, this stuff is powerful.’”
Although there isn’t a ton of research yet that can unequivocally support the benefits of CBD ― let alone data on how it affects the vagina ― many rely on it for their health problems. Women are finding that CBD suppositories may provide menstrual and pelvic pain relief.
How do CBD suppositories work?
The tiny, cylinder-shaped CBD suppositories are inserted vaginally, similarly as you would insert a tampon without an applicator. Most are made with hemp oil, cocoa butter, and coconut oil, which allow the suppository to soften and melt once it’s inside your body.
From there, the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream via the mucosa in the vagina — which is actually very absorbent, much like the lining of your mouth or your gut, according to Jennifer Berman, a board-certified urologist and sexual health expert based in Los Angeles. Because the CBD is applied directly to the vagina, it can begin working on the area immediately.
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