Before the first time I took the morning-after pill, I was tremendously anxious. I was newly single after a long monogamous relationship, had experienced a questionably protected one-night stand the night before, and felt like I was treading completely uncharted waters. I had friends who’d taken Plan B, of course, but we’d never really discussed what it was like for them in depth. I didn’t remember learning anything about it in high school sex ed. And I didn’t bother looking up possible side effects on the internet, which I knew would be dramatic and terrify me.
All these unknowns made my first Plan B experience about 10 times more stressful than it had to be.
As it turned out, I’d wind up having a perfectly uneventful and effective first go with Plan B (no side effects, no pregnancy), but I wished I’d been better educated about it and knew what to expect beforehand. That is what leads me to this story, and to Felice Gersh, an OB/GYN and the founder and director of the Integrative Medical Practice of Irvine in Irvine, California.
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