Congratulations — you’re pregnant! Along with what to put on the baby registry, how to set up the nursery, and where to go for preschool (just kidding — it’s a bit too early for that!), many people want to know how much weight they can expect to gain over the next 9 months. While the majority…
Women who are trying to get pregnancy to want to know as soon as possible whether they have a baby on board, and many reports experiencing a slight fever before they’ve even missed their period. Is a fever an early sign of pregnancy? The answer is more complex than a simple yes or no. Temperature…
You slept through your alarm and barely planted your butt in a seat by the start of 9 a.m. econ class. You pulled a four-hour shift at the university library’s checkout desk before running across campus to meet up with your intramural soccer team. Alone with your shower thoughts, you flip through a mental catalog…
At some point, usually around the age of 50, your ovaries produce fewer hormones, your periods end, and you’re in menopause. For some people, menopause can happen earlier than that. A 2013 study published in Annals of medical and health sciences research found that around 1% of women experience early menopause, and there isn’t a lot of awareness for it.…
Some nursing moms sail through breastfeeding with nary a wince or twinge of discomfort while others experience pain in the form of sore or even cracked nipples. (If you fall into the latter category, take [emotional] comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. One 2013 study found that 44% of breastfeeding moms had issues with nipple pain.)…