Women are uniquely special in many ways, and they are NOT simply smaller, curvier men, as they are often perceived through the lens of conventional medicine. We have very specific organs that can develop unique problems at any stage of life, problems which can be devastating from a reproductive point of view, interfere with the ability to enjoy life, and threaten the foundations of health.
As one of only a few Board-Certified OB/GYNs who are also fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Gersh has an expanded understanding of the female body and a far greater array of therapies upon which to draw. Her expansive expertise with gynecological problems includes: breast concerns and lowering breast cancer risk, infertility, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic vaginitis, interstitial cystitis and pelvic pain syndromes, menstrual irregularity and cramps, painful intercourse, loss of sexual interest and response, and PMS.
As surprising as it may sound, all of these conditions involve inflammation! Dr. Gersh will ferret out the source of this inflammation and by damping it down; will assist your body in reducing its symptomatic responses. The evaluation of the inflammation is similar to the evaluation we do with any chronic disease, and the treatments involve the full array of holistic, integrative, and conventional medicine.
Dr. Gersh also helps couples prepare for pregnancy, ensuring optimal health and nutritional status, and lowering levels of toxins within the body prior to attempting conception. With proper pregnancy preparation, the chance to conceive increases and the potential for pregnancy related complications and problems with the baby decreases. We urge all women to receive pre-conception care and counselling with Dr. Gersh. Maximizing your chance for a successful pregnancy is of great importance.
Dr. Gersh is a trained gynecologic surgeon with a special interest and expertise in hysteroscopic surgery. She can evaluate abnormal bleeding with an in-office hysteroscopy and biopsy, utilizing the newest surgical device, an incredibly small hysteroscopic instrument. The goal is to avoid major surgeries when feasible. Biofeedback, cystoscopies, and urodynamic studies to evaluate voiding issue are also performed in-office. Dr. Gersh is also skilled at labioplasties and all forms of excisions and biopsies of skin lesions.