Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a distinct medical system refined over a period of 3000 years that includes the art and science of acupuncture. Relative to more Westernized versions of acupuncture, application of the wisdom inherent in Asian acupuncture enables healing of nearly all health conditions by balancing systems in the body such as hormones and immune function. Supporting the body’s capacity to heal includes addressing the root cause of illness, which produces long-term results.
Current scientific literature confirms the efficacy of acupuncture in relieving pain, eliminating addictions, regulating menstrual disorders, treating fertility problems, moderating hot flashes, increasing sleep quality, improving digestive disorders, reducing neurological dysfunctions, speeding healing from surgeries, and decreasing depression.
Acupuncture uses very thin needles inserted along pathways in the body to regulate the flow of energy and has been shown to be an effective method of managing back pain, tendonitis, sciatica and headaches. Acupuncture has also proven successful in treating gastritis and other intestinal problems, asthma, anxiety, insomnia, and facial tics.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine is based upon an ancient tradition of compounding natural ingredients into effective disease treatments and preventive medications. This practice also attempts to promote wellness by establishing an internal biochemical balance that enhances a patient’s capacity for enjoyment and happiness. Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a useful adjunct in the treatment of many conditions, including menopause and headaches.
Press here for more information about our licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Bonnie Whitting, RN.